Categorie: Uit de interculturele hoek

Uit de interculturele hoek…

“In the five years that I’ve studied here I’ve seen many changes at TU/e with respect to internationalization”. And also: “Yes, many positive changes, but the study associations are not very open to us internationals” And further:  “Cosmos (the international student association at TU/e) is really an example of this integration stage”. Here are a

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Uit de interculturele hoek…
Lost in translation? Somewhere, somehow

Time of the year to reflect on passed events while soon opening my kerstpakket (how does this translate completely?), that very Dutch tradition at the end of each year. I remember once the accompanying letter. At the bottom there was the wish to all plezierige feestdagen, a neutral Dutch phrase with no religious connotation, a

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Uit de interculturele hoek…
What is culture shock and how to deal with it!

Hello stranger! Let’s imagine you’ve been in your new environment for a few weeks now and you’ve just started a new study or career at one of the NUT-member institutions in the Netherlands or Flanders.  You are very enthusiastic about this all, of course. You are now in what we call in intercultural jargon the

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Uit de interculturele hoek…
Coaching Students Across Cultures

In the last column of this academic year, I want to reflect on the changing role teachers have had in the past and are taking up on a larger scale in the near future. That of a coach for their students. As a matter of fact, nothing is really new as we’re all coaches. Good

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Uit de interculturele hoek…
Hair, Gender and Trust

Back in 1980, Greece and the European Union (that was called the European Economic Community/EEC at that time) were conducting final talks that led to the admission of Greece to the EEC the year after. One of these talks took place in Athens in the Greek capital. The EEC-delegation headed by a top civil servant

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Uit de interculturele hoek…
Competition and Selection

“But if there is no selection to get admitted, what is this study program worth?”, someone suggested recently at an international forum on academic matters. Quite shocking in the Netherlands… Indeed, this point of view is typical of cultures in which competition, selection and individual rewards are quite common. France and its Grandes Ecoles system

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Uit de interculturele hoek…
Gift-giving Across Cultures: An Art in Itself

As we are now in the middle of the gift season (we’ve had Alibaba Day on 11/11 for the Chinese, Black Friday for the US Americans, sinterklaas for the Dutch and we are heading towards Christmas), let’s take a look at gift-giving across cultures. It is by all means a tricky and subtle aspect in

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Uit de interculturele hoek…
Your First Day in Class at a Dutch University

You arrived late in class and although you managed to sneak in via the door at the back, the teacher spotted you and shouted at you “Make sure you are on time, next time” while you were trying to mumble some excuse. As a result, you felt excessively individualized and ashamed, and experienced a loss

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Uit de interculturele hoek…
National Days and National Unity

We all need symbols in life. Whether animals we venerate, monuments we admire, or real or fictive characters we worship. Other symbols we also need in life are those created around National Days. All around the world, a National Day is held on a designated date and various celebrations mark the nationhood of a nation

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Uit de interculturele hoek…
Deadlines, its origin and practices in the Netherlands and Flanders

“Class, I want your report by Friday 5pm”. This is a classical deadline that is put to students who need to return an assignment before or by a certain time. As we all know, time is subject to multiple interpretations based on our cultural background or personal preferences. It goes along the perception of past,

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