Theme group academic skills: new chair!

We are pleased to announce that our theme group academic skills has a new chair: Evonne van Genderen!  As many of you may not know her, she has briefly introduced herself below:

Hi everyone, my name is Evonne van Genderen, your new chair/co-chair of the group Academisch Taalgebruik. I have been teaching Academic English at the University of Twente for nearly four years now. I also coordinate curricular education projects on academic skills. For these projects, I advise faculties on how to embed academic communication skills into the curriculum.

I’m excited to get to know you all a bit better and to enable us to keep learning from each other. Together we can encourage conversation, share innovations and create an environment that fosters academic language teaching. Feel free to reach out for an online coffee and chat!

Welcome Evonne and thank you for taking on this role!

(Estelle Meima & Tom De Moor, uittredende themagroepvoorzitters Academisch taalgebruik)